
1315–1318, Anonymous

Fragment from the 1890 edition of Kristobula i Banjska, where Pristina is mentioned. The original document is located in Istanbul.

The village of Plemetin, near which [Sitnica] flows and expands, on the road to Pristina, between Plemetin and Priluzhë.

Source: Novaković, S. (1890), Светостефанска Хрисовуљ. In: Споменик Српске Краљевске Академије (4), p. 3. Original document: Istanbul, Topkapy sarayi müzesi, Gayri islami kitapliği, 70. (Translation: Yll Rugova)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1315–1318, Anonymous, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 26.03.2025: