
1325, Anonymous

One of the earliest fragments of Pristina in Ragusa documents. Later edition of the 1862 document.

[Pristina, October 1325] Stefan Uroshi, the Serbian king, ordered the people of Ragusa to come [to Pristina] and pay the obligations of St. Dimitri through Elias or Thomas, both Kefalians.

Source: Drançolli, Jahja (1984). The Ragusans in Pristina during the XIV-XV centuries. In Vjetari, Prishtina, p. 9–25; Also, Jiriçek, K. (1913), Acta et diplomata res Albaniae mediae aetatis illustrantia: Vol. 2. Vienna: A. Holzhausen, p. 213. Also mentioned by Kostic, Kosta Костић (1900). Trgovinski ценстри и друмови по Српској земли. In Београдске Општинске Новине (18) 11, March 5, 1900, p. 41–44. The same previously mentioned by Kosta Костић (1899). Трговински ценстри и друмови. Belgrade. p. 372–377. Original document: Dubrovnik Archives, Diversa Cane. 1325. (Translation from Latin according to the paraphrase by Jahja Drançolli.)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1325, Anonymous, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 22.02.2025: