
1411, Mara and Gjergj Brankovici

The transcribed document that was published by Jireçek in 1892.

Our generous and very honorable sir and brother, the leaders of the city, the governors of Dubrovnik and the surrounding area, Mrs. Mara and [leader] Gjergj greet you; and they write on this day to have everything in health and for good, and we ourselves prove [through writing] that we are alive as is the will of God. And let your generosity know that your citizen Bogisha has done business with us, [who] kept customs in Trepça and Pristina as well as the coin press, and everything went as it should, he paid his debts to us, even from customs also from the coin press; he also paid from those [and] he himself closed the affairs with us and is free from us. And yet we have remained in debt to him, and what we have left, so we have written in the book and put a seal, so we have sent the same to his generosity, our brave Ivanc, to confirm, and bless the Lord of his generosity.

According to the order of the lord prince Dobreta Binqulika and his little century(!) the Russian logothet, it is written verbatim from the paper of lady Mara and sir Gjergj, which came to the prince and lord from his customary seal, and from to his man Ivanci.

Source: Jiriçek, K (1892). Memories, Srpska Royal Academy (11), p. 60. Original document: Dubrovnik, Div. Chancellery. 1408. The second book. (Translation: Yll Rugova).

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1411, Mara and Gjergj Brankovici, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 22.02.2025: