
1458, Anonymous

The document was published in 1963 transcribed.

On 6 February 1458. Nicholas Bla.[nchus?] de Crancho before the reverend rector, Lord Andrea de Babalio, and his judges, Lord Marino de Restis, Lord Nicola Bla.[nchus?] de Menzis, and Lord Nicholas Pau.[ lo] de Gondola and Lord Peter de Proculo, whereas Lord George de Goze has been absent in the suit and issue he has with Luke his servant, [wherein] he intends to prove and make known by witnesses as best he can maybe on the other hand in Pristina Nicholas himself bought this Luke from the Turks when he was a child of about 2 years old at a price of three hundred cloths, and after the baptism in Pristina with the name Luka, he kept Luke from that time, fed him , raised and treated him as a bought slave and a slave by price and sale as above. And it's been about 17 years since he bought it, or thereabouts. Witnesses: Don Stephanus de Radulinus, Chiinus de Macho, Vitchus Miosich, Petchus Gugos, Pauao Leuaich.

On 7 February 1458. Don Stefanus de Radulinus, a witness examined by the aforesaid rector and his judges, Lord Marinus de Restis, Lord Nicola Pau.[lo] de Gondola and Lord Peter de Proculus [speaking] on the purpose the aforesaid, has [said to have] performed his sacraments through the hand of another priest, and certified by his said word that what he declared above was true. When asked how he knew [this], he said that he had been present and had seen it himself. And this was at the time when the administrator of Rasha was under the city of Tivar, when he saw that a certain Turk who was the mentioned Luka, who was a small child about two years old. And he saw that you had bought him yourself from the mentioned Turk as a slave at the price of 300 aspras. Petchus Gugos, the witness examined, said the same thing as above.

Source: Dinic, Mihalo (1968). Iz dubrovackog arhiva. Belgrade: Naucno telo. p. 120–121. Original document: Dubrovnik Archives, Intentiones Cancellarie II (1457–1459), fol. 22 retro. (Translation: Y. R.)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1458, Anonymous, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 22.02.2025: