
1561, Pir Muhammad

Pir Muhamed's original manuscript where Prishtina is mentioned. The document is located in the Archive of Kosovo. We thank Agron Islam for the photo.

[E]mri Prishtina in the Arabic language should be read Pirishtine, and it is a well-known kasaba in the lands of Rumelia, near the Tomb of the third sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the martyr Gazi sultan Murad. [...] I bequeathed this manuscript for the sake of Almighty Allah and handed it over to the one who is assigned to the position of mutawali (supervisor) to keep it and give it to anyone who wants it copied or to benefit from this. So that (this manuscript) be preserved from loss and misuse. The aforementioned Mutawali is the highly respected, highly respected and highly valued Mawlana Husamuddin al-Lavhi, may Allah Almighty save him. I (also) made a condition that this precious specimen does not go outside the city of Pristina and that no one interested is prevented from copying and using this manuscript. But whoever changes it after hearing it, the sin for them is on those who change it. Allah is the best of guardians and He is the most merciful of the merciful. Meanwhile, after the departure (of the death of S. M.) of the above-mentioned mutaveli from the houses of Pristina, the supervision of this remaining manuscript belongs to the one who will be the imam in the Old Mosque, located in this place. As for me, I give to the mutaveli a third of the rewards and blessings hoped for from this endowment, and Allah is witness to what I say. This happened at the end of the month of Rabi al-Ahir of the year 969/1561, in the kasaba of Pristina, may Allah Almighty protect him from (all) kinds of calamity, for the sake of the best man (Muhammad a.s.- S.M.).

Witnesses of the case: Pir Muhammed Beqir ibn Mawlana Omer Efendi (ez-ze'im), Ali Beqir b. Mustafa Çelebi (ez-ze'im), Mustafa Çelebi ibn mavlana (al-hatib-el-emin), Mevlana Kasim Khalifa, Mevlana Pir Muhammad Çelebi (en-naib), Hasan Çelebi (al-emin) and others. This is all from me, and I am the author of this book, Pir Muhammad ibn Mawlana Mustafa ibn Mawlana Khalil ibn Mawlana al-Hajji Ali. May Allah have mercy on everyone!

Source: Mehmeti, Sadik (2004). "Sharh Rahati al-Kulub" by Muhammed Efendi. In Vjetari, Prishtina, p. 497–501. Original document: Archive of Kosovo. (Translation: Sadik Mehmeti)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1561, Pir Muhammad, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 22.02.2025: