
1584, Alexander Kumulovic

Transliterated text of Kumulovic's manuscript from 1584 preserved in the Vatican.

We visited Pristina, Novi Pazar, Krushevci, Prokuplje, Nis and Vidin. In the five cities there are about 250 [Catholic] souls, of which 50 are Albanians, the rest are merchants of Dubrovnik. Prishtina is a very comfortable place, [and] as we have been informed, in the past it was the episcopal center, now there is no church at all, and an oratory [place of prayer] has been ordered to be built. Prishtina and Novi Pazari were without chaplains, for which we think that two students from the Illyrian college [in Rome] should be brought, from those who have completed their studies, if they did not regret coming.

Fermendzin, Eusebio (1892). Acta Bosnae potissimum ecclesiastica cum insertis editorum documentorum regestis ab anno 925 usque ad annum 1752. Zagreb: Taberna Libraria, p. 339. Original document: Biblioth. vatic. cod. Mss. vatic. 6533 fol. 101–106. (Translation: Yll Rugova.)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1584, Alexander Kumulovic, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 31.03.2025: