
1625, Benedikt Orsini

Published with the Albanian translation by I. Zamputi. In the photo, the 2018 edition.

We ask the Holy Congregation to order the new archbishop of Tivar to punish ... of Pristina who allows priests from here to flee without the permission of the prelates; ... that he was excommunicated and placed him in the parish of Gjakova, although we ... sent him both the excommunication and the letters either for him or for the archpriest, and he did not take measures ... the order is so common in all these parts that ban no work [that] the [papal] court will not interfere.

Source: Zamputi, Injac (2018). Relations and documents for the history of Albania 1610–1650. St-Galen, Pristina: Faik Konica, p. 301. Original document: Arch. Prop. F., SRCG, v. 262, p. 88–89. (Translation: Injac Zamputi.)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2024), 1625, Benedikt Orsini, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 18.09.2024: