
1650, Pjetër Bogdani

Don Andrea Bogdani of Guri i Albania proposed for the Archbishopric of Ohrid on the borders of Servia, is esteemed one of the best priests to be found in that province and so zealous for religion that he has endured many harms and dangers for it, and currently finds himself in Pristina of Servisa in the governance of a church; for he was no longer able to remain in his country, where his house had been burned, [all this] had caused the Turks to stir up against him, not allowing him to marry Christian girls. [...] Andrea Bogdani, 45 years old, employed in Servi for fifteen years.

Fermendzin, Eusebio (1892). Izprave hit 1579–1671. tičuće se Crne gore i stare Srbije. In Starine (25), Zagreb, p. 172. Original document: Tabular. s. Congregation. de propaganda fide. Origin. Vol. 220 fol. 69. (Translation: Yll Rugova)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1650, Pjetër Bogdani, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 22.01.2025: