
1680, Sulltan Mehmed IV

Published in the original and in the Albanian translation by I. Zamputi in 1990.

Recommendation for the parish of Pristina in Albania / Sanxhakbeu of Vučitern ... and the kadi of Pristina ... When the high imperial order arrives, it is made known to them that the example of the commanders of the peoples of the High Gate presented the prayer of one of the Catholic clergy (Latin) , the priest named Tomazo Rasposaviq, who prays in the shrine and spends his life on the alms of the people, was caught by the people of the civil servant group, in violation of the imperial agreement, when it was not necessary to intervene (in violation ) with the honorable sharia. In the same way, they take the horses from the group of couriers, and telling them that your brothers and cousins owe us debts, and without these being guarantors for their assets, they seize them, imprison them and oppress them. Since these beg my order not to be burdened by the debts and taxes of others, we referred to the imperial agreement where it is written that Jesuit priests and others belonging to the Catholic religion, those who come by sea or land to protected places (of the empire) not to be interfered with and not to be attacked in the performance of their vain and secret religious rites and not to be cursed by beylers, kadis and other officials in the streets or in the houses where they live, to they are not required to pay taxes on their personal belongings except for the things they have brought to trade, tribute and other taxes. …

Source: Zamputi, Injac / Pulaha, Selami (1990). Documents of the XVI-XVII centuries for the history of Albania. Volume 4 1675–1699. Tirana: ASHAK. p. 18. Original source: Haus-, Hof- un Staatsarchiv Wien, Turcica I/155, p. 27. (Translation: Injac Zamputi and Selami Pulaha.)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1680, Sulltan Mehmed IV, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 31.03.2025: