
1689, Alessandro Belleardit

Facsimile of two pages from Belleard's chronicle, German translated version. Source: R. Elsie.

Annotationes und Reflexiones der gloriosen kayserlichen Waffen im Jahr 1689

The reputation of this commander [Piccolomini] grew more and more because of the rule he had established so that the 5,000 Arnauts [Muslim Albanians] in Pristina who had risen against the Turks and [the inhabitants of] many large towns in the vicinity had given to understand that they would submit to the rule of the Emperor. Thus, when he [Piccolomini] arrived in Pristina, they swore allegiance to the Emperor, and at that moment, this large part of the territory fell under the shadow of His Imperial Majesty's laurels. [33r] From Pristina, he advanced on the 23rd to Cazianeck [Kaçanik], a town at the head of a pass.

Source: Zamputi, Injac / Pulaha, Selami (1990). Documents of the XVI-XVII centuries for the history of Albania. Volume 4 1675–1699. Tirana: ASHAK. p. 256–301. Original source: Das Wiener Kriegsarchiv, Feldakten 1689, Fase. XIII, 1, B. 53. (Translation: Injac Zamputi and Selami Pulaha).

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1689, Alessandro Belleardit, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 22.02.2025: