
1836, Jashar Pasha

Facsimile of two pages of Jashar Paşe Gjinolli's vakufname, which is today in the original copy in Istanbul. Source: B. Neziri.

Inside the city of Pristina, near Sahat, I have rebuilt and revived a blessed mosque, a magnificent shrine for the sake of God the Great, to achieve the pleasure of God the Great, and I have arranged the salaries for the imam, the hatib, the preacher, the muezzins and the other servants of this mosque from the income of the endowments that I left to them. From my property I have left a waqf of shops and a bezistan that are in the bazaar of the city in question as well as inns, mills and land that are in the cauldron of Pristina, the names and locations of which are written and explained in detail one by one. God willing! 15 M 1252 (02.05.1836).
I have bought from its owners with documents and have entered into my ownership a bezistan that is known by the name "Bezistan of Shkodra", and it was the property of the heirs of the late Ibrahim Efendi.

This bezistan and other objects have been on the plot of land that was bequeathed by the charitable Haxhi Abdylfetah Bey, since the past, stipulating that the income of this plot be used to light 12 candles in the blessed Çeribash (Buzagi) mosque, which is in Pristina. After buying this bezistan, I demolished all the buildings from the foundations and, with the permission of the municipality, I built 12 shops from the ground up. Of these shops, I gave the one in the corner, from the part of the Han, which is a bakery, to Sakip Bey, as an exchange. So, in the place where I built the fountain, in the front part of the mosque in question, Sakip Bey's bakery used to be. So, we changed shops with the person in question. Now the shop on the corner, where the bakery is, is the property of Sakip Bey. In addition to this store, I have made a waqf for 16 stores around, and I have determined their administration. I have also continued the condition that 12 candles be lit on the wall of the blessed Çeribash mosque from the income of the land in question. Mytevelia, as administrator, from the remaining part of the income from the rents of the shops in question, to give 225 groshis per year to the first muezzin, and 75 groshis per year to the salachan. I also bought it with documents and put into my ownership the share of 1/3 of the sons of the late Mulla Beluli from Pristina, in the mill near Pristina. And the other part, of 2/3 of this mill, since the past is a waqf of the tap of the benefactor, the late Divan Efendi.

Then Lutfullah Efendiu, the inheritor of the waqfs of the late Divan Efendiu and his grandson, in the absence of the power to maintain the tap and the said waqfs, as well as to renew the mill, voluntarily gave up their administration and allowed the mill in question to be renovated. Based on this, I demolished the mill in question from its foundations and built a larger mill with three stones. Again, I made it a condition that 2/3 of the mill goes to Divan Efendi's tap and endowment, while I made my share of 1/3 endowment. From the income of the said mill, 9 kilos of wheat flour should be given to the first muezzin of the mosque and 3 kilos to the singer. Based on my condition for the mill in question, mytevelia is its administrator. If necessary, spend the income for the renovation of the faucet in question and for the cleaning of the water channels. The one who is the first muezzin should be given 9 keils of wheat flour, and the one who sings 3 keils of wheat flour.

The Hammam in Pristina, next to the Small Mosque, is from the endowments of the Mosque in Kaçanik, which was previously built by the late Sinan Pasha. However, this hammam has been out of use for 50-60 years and in this condition is not bringing any benefit to the waqf. I got permission from the owner of the hammam, who lives in Skopje, and instead of the hammam I built a new wooden bezistan. For each store, I set a rent of 20 pare 25 and I made it a condition that every year, with the permission of mytyvelia, they are given to the waqf. All the shops and benches that are inside and outside the said bezistan I have made waqf. I made a condition that the income from the shops without shutters inside the Bezistan be used for the renovation and renovation of the mosque in question. But from the income of the shops in the outer part of Bezistan, i.e. from the income of the 16 shops that are in a row from the corner of ..... to the cafe, I made a condition that the second muezzin, the sermahfil and the singer be paid of the said mosque. So, I have made it a condition that the administrator of the income of the shops in question is mytevelia and from this income the salary of the second muezzin is paid in the amount of 225 groschi, which is reached by collecting the daily wages in the amount of 75 akçe and then the annual amount reached of 27,000 akce is calculated in grosh, as well as the wages of the sermahfil and the messenger in the amount of 75 grosh that are reached by collecting the daily wages in the amount of 25 akce and then the annual amount reached of 9,000 akce is calculated in grosh.
So, I made a condition that the second muezzin of the mosque in question will be given 225 groschi per year, while the sermahfil and the messenger will be given 75 groschi per year. [...]

Thus, as mentioned in the pages above, in the chapter of the shops assigned to the salaries of the candlelighter and the custodian of the mosque [of the Bazaar], I have bequeathed 17 shops without shutters for the fair in the bezistan that I have rebuilt from scratch, and I made it a condition that their income be assigned to the renovation and maintenance of the fountain that flows in front of the mosque in question. I also bequeathed a mill with five stones in the village of Grabovc and made it a condition that its income be used for the said renovation. So, I made it a condition that the income of the 17 shops in question and the mill in Grabovc be spent on the renovation of the fountain. Based on my condition, the mytevellija administers these and when necessary renews the fountain and cleans its channels as well as renews the toilets that are near the mosque. [...]

Above, in the chapter on covering the salaries of the second muezzin and the sermahfil, we mentioned that I built a bezistan from scratch in place of the unused hammam near the Small Mosque, which is from the waqfs of the deceased Sinan Pasha. The shops without shutters in this bezistan and a mill in the place called Vekuka I left a waqf and made a condition that their income be spent on the renovation of the mosque, hasra and other furnishings as well as on all other necessary items. [...]

(21.06.1836) My uncle Maliq Pasha previously, in the year 1227 (1812) of the new shops in Pristina, he bequeathed forever the slaughterhouses near the tap that he built and among them five shops, their rooms and warehouses which are under one roof as well as a mill with three stones that he built near the Forty Poplars (Kırk Kavak), in the lower part of the city and assigned to me myteveli with documents. At the same time, he also clarified the conditions. [...]

My uncle (Maliq Pasha) previously, in the year 1229 (1814) left a permanent waqf of a mill with three stones, built of stone, in the well-known place on the river Nerodime, the Borbaveshtina manor in the village of Pleshina and Prelez, as well as a mill of the stone that grinds with three stones on the river Graçanicë in Suteska and has assigned me mytevelli. He then stipulated in writing that the administration would pass to my successors. At the same time, he also clarified the conditions. From the annual income of the mill in question on the Nerodime river, to be allocated to the madrasa in Prishtina, which is called Jeni Medrese, from 200 akçe per day, which totals 600 grosshes annually, as well as for the librarian, 33 akçe per day, and that annual amount total is 99 grosha. But from the income of the mill in Suteska and the manors in the village of Pleshina and Prelez, I have made it a condition that the one who is a teacher in the madrasa in question will be given three loaves of bread a day, while the students who live in this madrasa will be given one loaf of bread. . With the help of Almighty God, until now, based on the conditions of the said deceased, I am giving three sticks of bread a day to the myderriz of the said madrasah, and one stick of bread to the students.

Source: Neziri, Besir (2020). The last name of Jashar Pasha Gjinolli. In Islamic Education, Prishtina 1 (122), p. 78–79. Original document: Istanbul, BOA, EV.VKF., 25/8. (Translation: Besir Neziri.)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1836, Jashar Pasha, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 31.03.2025: