
1860, Anonymous

Inscription "Sherh Rahati al-kulub"

The author of the work "Sherh Rahati al-kulub" is Pir Muhammad Efendi, one of the greatest scholars of the Kasaba of Pristina, who wrote the work in 967/1559. This work was copied during the war between the Ottoman Empire and Iran, in the vicinity of the castle of Mardin in the province of Diyarbakır [Anatolia - Turkey S.M.], by the well-known personality and scholar, co-cohanic of Pir Muhammad Efendi and participant in the imperial army, Ahmed effendi, who when he returned to his homeland in Pristina, together with the author, i.e. in the author's lifetime, compared and corrected his copy with the copy of the original that the author of the work had. After the comparison, Ahmed Efendi gave this copy to the author in question, while the author (this copy) left it as a waqf and appointed the imam of the mahalla of the Little Mosque in Prishtina as its guardian, to whom he handed over the book, provided that the book could not be taken out of the city of Pristina. However, during the occupation of the city of Pristina by the Austrian army [1689–1690 AD], most of the population moved to Strumica and Serez, and took the book with them, which remained in Serez for a while. However, in the year 1260/1844, with the commitment and mediation of the merchants of Pristina, this book was returned to Pristina. However, in 1277/1860, it was handed over and (re)dedicated to the library of the Madrasah [of Pristina - S.M.].

Source: Mehmeti, Sadik (2004). "Sharh Rahati al-Kulub" by Muhammed Efendi. In Vjetari, Prishtina, p. 497–501; We also received a scan of the page and a paraphrased version of this fragment from Agron Islami, to whom we thank. Original document: Kosovo Archive Library, No. inventory 47. (Translation: Sadik Mehmeti)

How to reference
Prishtina in History (2025), 1860, Anonymous, in Y. Rugova (red.) Prishtina in History (I). Last accessed 23.02.2025: